Unique Mailers

Custom Unique Mailers

Impress your potential and existing customers with a variety of creative and captivating unique mailers from Garrett Specialties. These direct mail marketing ideas are sure to stand out and leave a lasting impression on your target audience. Eye catching, stand-out, sure to cause recipients to open. Freshen up your promotions with unique mailers such as our Sweet Surprises Bubble Gum Coin, Flexi vase, a pocket protector or a small card magnifier to boost sales you can see. Our promotional products that are an advertisement for your business are small enough to mail

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9 Items Available

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Promotional Butterfly Garden Seed Matchbook
This product uses a 4 color process. 
$0.99 - $1.14 250 min

Butterfly Garden Seed Matchbook

Promotional Cayenne Seed Matchbook
This product uses a 4 color process. 
$0.83 - $0.98 250 min

Cayenne Seed Matchbook

Promotional Chamomile Seed Matchbook
This product uses a 4 color process. 
$0.83 - $0.98 250 min

Chamomile Seed Matchbook

Promotional Cilantro Seed Matchbook
This product uses a 4 color process. 
$0.99 - $1.14 250 min

Cilantro Seed Matchbook

Promotional Clover Seed Matchbook
This product uses a 4 color process. 
$0.82 - $0.96 250 min

Clover Seed Matchbook

Promotional Pumpkin Seed Matchbook
This product uses a 4 color process. 
$0.99 - $1.14 250 min

Pumpkin Seed Matchbook

Promotional Round Photell Lapel Pin
This product was manufactured in the USAThis product uses a 4 color process. 
$1.82 - $6.16 100 min

Round Photell Lapel Pin

Promotional Eyeglass Cloth 4 Color Process
This product uses a 4 color process. 
$1.30 - $1.52 250 min

Eyeglass Cloth 4 Color Process

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