Rush Service Custom Pill Storage Containers

Custom Pill Organizers

There may be a number of different medications you may take, for example, one for high blood pressure, one for high cholesterol, and any number of others. The majority of the time, as you get older, you will have to add a few more pills to your daily medication regimen in order to stay healthy and stay in good health. Organizes and select pill boxes that holds seven days' worth of medications conveniently. Weekly pill organizers are the simplest of the pill organizers, with seven boxes clearly labeled for each day of the week. You can also find weekly and monthly organizers that contain more than one row of pills and have different colors, symbols, or other markings for morning, afternoon, and evening pills.. Don't let patients miss a dose with custom pill boxes that have compartments for each day of the week or pill organizers for morning and evening

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2 Items Available

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Promotional Compartment 7-Day Pill Box
24 Hour Rush 
$1.32 - $1.51 200 min

Compartment 7-Day Pill Box

Promotional Pillcase-7- Day
This product was manufactured in the USA72 Hour Rush 
$0.67 - $0.79 250 min

Pillcase-7- Day

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