Ashton Kutcher reveals his ‘real’ name at the Teen Choice Awards
At Sunday night’s Teen Choice Awards, Ashton Kutcher won the Ultimate Choice Award or what he called the “old guy” award. I’m assuming he liked to call it the “old guy” award since he is no longer a teen but I’m not sure. As you will see in the video clip below, his acceptance speech was highly influenced by his recent role as Steve Jobs in the movie Jobs.
He mentioned that he felt like a fraud as he revealed his real first name, Chris, to the audience. Ashton is actually his middle name. I think calling himself a fraud is a little extreme, however, he was probably just trying to get the crowd’s attention. He started to go by Ashton at the age of 19 when he became an actor.
Ashton Kutcher at the Teen Choice Awards. (photo from © Getty Images)
Ashton had explained that in Hollywood there are a lot of insider secrets to keeping an actor’s career successful. So really, Ashton Kutcher is his stage name. Many actors have stage names. A stage name is similar to the your business name. It holds your identity. After all, names and logos are at the heart of branding. The name Ashton is much more unique and memorable than the name Chris. I don’t have enough fingers to count how many Chris’ I do know but I definitely don’t know any Ashton’s. By changing his name, he made himself more memorable.
So, if the name Ashton makes him more unique and memorable why did he bother revealing his real name? This was the question in my mind that peaked my interest. The conclusion I’ve come up with is that he both truly learned from his role as Steve Jobs and he is promoting his movie. It was a smart move on his part to reveal his real name. It brought media attention to his acceptance speech just days before his new movie is being released. If he had simply got up on the stage and said the traditional, “I thank God and my fans” speech, he wouldn’t have gotten the media attention that he did.
He goes on to explain how life lessons as Chris helped him to become the successful actor, Ashton. This is where you really start to hear the Steve Jobs that has now become a part of him. He basically started to teach the crowd about how his name and the experiences that go along with it have defined him as a brand; as the person he is today.
What’s in a name and how does it affect your brand?
Marketing guru, Seth Godin, defines brand as “the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.”
The lesson to be learned here is that while the name of your business is how people identify you it’s your brand that defines you. The power of a name comes within it’s branding. Your name and logo are essential to building your brand. Having a solid branding strategy is how you will make your name memorable. At Garrett Specialties we believe that corporate gifts are an integral part to making your name memorable and they play a significant role in branding strategies. Putting your logo on a promotional product will create customer experiences around your brand. They are incentives and reminders that keep your company information fresh in their minds.
Do you think successful brands have a distinct personality? What are some examples that come to mind? How does your brand connect customers to your name? Do you have a stage name? Why?
Let’s start a discussion. I would love to hear your thoughts.
I’m still working on the branding part as an author… guess it’s a good thing my novel is still in revisions. I often wonder about using my full last name. Walker-Bickett is such a mouthful, so I went with JeriWB for all of my social media accounts. Somedays I wish I would have just gone with Jeri Walker for my pen name. I’m not going to sweat it too much though 😉 I came across someone on a blog today who is writing under FIVE different pen names. Then another author who uses one name for romance and another for thrillers. I think readers can adjust if a writer produces a lot of various genres. Johnny Depp comes to mind as an example of a successful name that is also a brand, though recently it seems like his choice to play oddball characters time and again may not be going as well for him lately.
Jeri recently posted…Free Kindle Books: The Great Purge
Jeri- I like the sounds of JeriWB. It is catchy and memorable. I wish I spent more time thinking about a name for our company. However, with that said because I have been on the internet so long my brand is now recognizable.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
A memorable name does get you a head start – or maybe just make you more memorable. Not sure that revealing he is Chris will harm him in the long run. I mean most of us know Elton is really Reginald Dwight.
By the way, Riley’s not my real name either. 😉
Since Ashton was the name that was used to brand him as an actor, the name Chris will not be memorable unless he starts from square one and starts the branding process all over again.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
I like the point that Seth Godin makes (and that you describe at the end.) I think of it like how words have definitions we can read in a dictionary, and separate meanings that we understand (connotations.) Those meanings determine and are determined by how the words are used. The name of a company identifies it as an individual thing, and the company’s brand and reception define it as part of society/culture.
And even though we know plenty of Chris’s, I think Chris Kutcher would be a pretty memorable name XD
nick powers recently posted…humpday update: awa odori, awa dance festival
Branding is building relationships. When you blog within your community you are building relationships with your brand.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
This is exactly why I go by Madge. My real name is Margaret. Not many women in this era are named Madge and it’s catchy and kitschy. I think it’s helped to catch people’s attention, they often ask me about it.
I agree that the name Madge is noticeable. Having people ask you about your name is creating your brand.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
I think I got all messed up in the beginning worrying about the brand Arleen. Like Ashton said in his speech, I live in this world that everyone else created and was just doing what everyone around me recommended.
I decided that my name would be my brand so that when people hear it they’ll think of some of the things he mentioned as well. Genuine and smart but of course I hope helpful, kind and trusting also come to mind.
To be honest with you I’m just not much of a shopper. Yeah I know, I’m just strange that way. So the big name brands stick in my mind that I’ve heard over and over again like Coke, Microsoft, Google, etc. When I hear those names I think of their products first and whether or not I’ve had a good experience with them. If I’ve had a bad one trust me, that comes to mind first. I hope that’s how people will remember me as well once I get my product out. As having a good one that’s extremely helpful but at the same time I’ve got your back.
Adrienne recently posted…Your Content Is Your Ad [Infographic]
Your name is your brand, but as I told you in one of your posts, your face is part of your brand. To me that is your logo. All the things that you mentioned about yourself I can see without ever meeting you face to face.
I am not a shopper either but I do have a tendency to buy a name brand. It is called trust and definitely Adrienne Smith shows trust.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
After realizing how passionate I was about the sales craft I knew that I wanted to write related books, conduct seminars, and motivate professionally but that at the end of the day the brand would be key. The catchy name or title wasn’t enough but also the marketing strategy to connect with the people. It’s a tricky business and when I saw Ashton’s speech, I thought about the great lesson that it really holds for everyone in or out of Hollyweird. Great post.
I loved when Ashton (Chris) said Opportunity looks like work. When you see him play 2 1/2 men you really don’t see him as the intelligent man that is was able to put out there in the video. He just sold another branding of Ashton. Yes there are good lessons in the video for everyone.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
When I started out blogging I had no clue nor interest in branding. When I realized what it was and why I needed it I began to use the Geek Girl moniker. It has stuck. People know me by Geek Girl rather than Cheryl Therrien. It was not an attempt to hide behind something, like using a pen name. It just fit me as a person.
Geek Girl recently posted…Community Center
Geek Girl is very catchy and if it describes you as a person, that is a wonderful form of branding.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
As I am in the process of creating my service website I am concentrating on brand. Having Finding Our Way Now has helped start getting myself out there. I hope I can create a business brand that is exciting, fresh, and, long standing. 🙂
Susan Cooper recently posted…Sad Kitty Tale: Story (Podcast)
You will because you have already created a great feeling about who you are, so your brand whatever you come up will work as you do have have support
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
I am not normally one who watches award shows but the Teen Choice Awards found its way to my TV. I saw Ashton Kutchers acceptance speech and actually thought it was extremely well said. I watched most of the awards but can not remember any of the other speeches but I remember his. I hope I can create a brand that is that memorable.
Elizabeth Scott recently posted…User-Friendly Invoice Software
Isn’t it interesting that this speech grabbed you as well. Great message for all. You have very informative posts that can relate back to you when create brand. You are memorable already.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
Arleen you are so wonderful and I am humbled by your comment. Thank you.
Elizabeth Scott recently posted…User-Friendly Invoice Software
Thank you for the compliment. When you really get to know me I am not one to sugar coat anything. What you see is what you get. I say what I really mean or I don’t say it all.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
I did watch, but saw this video go viral. HE amazes me. I was floored with his speech. We should all be as “sexy” as Chris. 🙂
I hadn’t realized that the video went viral. I just think everyone was amazed as his honesty.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
I can’t think of a single successful product that doesn’t have a strong brand, unless you have the benefit of being a monopoly, your success is absolutely tied to your brand. You can survive a communications crisis if you have a good brand. You will struggle if your brand is neutral, but if you have a bad brand and a crisis hits, you can be toast for a long, long time. It’s part of what makes the personal branding we see today so interesting. Personal brands may not have the same resilience/reaction as organizational ones. If we have a brand crisis and our brand is our name (Paula Deen) then it makes it challenging to come back, not impossible (Martha Stewart), just challenging. It makes you wonder if you should use your name as your brand and if you do, you should be very, very protective of it. Great discussion Arleen.
Debra Yearwood recently posted…Finding Common Ground
For me personally I would rather go with a brand name that is easy to relate to than using my name. I am not a Hollywood star that can have a name that it is tied into an acting ability, sexuality or looks. With that said I only wished I had selected a different name for my company but I have been in business for too many years to change that now.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
Every once in a while I question the choice of using my name as part of my branding. There are already too many Jon Jeffersons in the world. By my name alone I tend to blend.
Jon Jefferson recently posted…Freedom Jump
I think Jon in your case since you are writer your name has to be your brand, but turn it up a notch.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
Now that my name is in the titles of both blogs perhaps my brand will begin to connect to my name.
Cassi recently posted…Enter Brand New Google Nexus 7 16GB Giveaway
Your name is your brand, but you have made your name unique by using Cassi
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
Agree completely that the name of a business and how it brands itself is crucial. Mistakes will mean less customers.
We all know that movies stars change their names in order to succeed. Norma Jean, remember, was born 1926.
What I’m a bit tired of is all these people changing their names because of low self esteem. How many girls have for instance changed their names to Angelina?
In Sweden if they have a common sirname, such as Andersson and Johansson, they frequently change them to the strangest kinds of names that are almost impossible to pronounce. It makes perfect sense for an artist, actor and people in similar professions to do so. Angelina would be bad choice for them though:-) But that normal people feel they have to change their names in order to get presitige, is sad. Wouldn’t it be better if they worked on improving their self esteem?
Catarina recently posted…Is evil a fashionable and convenient label?
There is an expression “It is all in a Name” Your name should be short, memorable, and easily identifiable. Ideally, your name will reflect something about the core of your business
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
I was reading the comments and realized that I knew most of them by their gravatar faces and names. i’ve seen their faces and names enough that I remeber them. So maybe comenting is another way of gettng recognized? I hadn’t thought of that. But I also relized I’ve read most of your blogs. So you’ve all become memorable to me.
Sandra Sallin recently posted…MIRROR, MIRROR
Very interesting point about connecting with the blogging community through out pictures.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
Just watched Ashton “Chris” Kutcher’s speech and he makes several good points. It almost sounds like regrets changing his name! People have trouble spelling my name, with all the consonants, but I found that for SEO, it’s important to have a presence. Otherwise, how are people going to find you? However, is much more memorable. So I introduce myself as both – although people invariably remember before they do my convoluted Polski name. Even so, the effort to get it right, I think, also makes it memorable. Thank goodness I’m not an actor!
Krystyna Lagowski recently posted…Tackling Toronto’s terrain in my Suby
Krystyna- I have to say to remember you by drivelikeagirl so you have made that your brand which is awesome. I agree with you, I am glad I am not actor either.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
Yes Arleen you are totally right, fame depends on the name on the screens, and also in Ashton’s speech he tells unbelievable points which are at utmost surprising.If your name is not easily spoken or memorable, it will not last in mind of the folks..!
I guess it is whatever works. Just make it memorable, unique and creative.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
A most enjoyable post Arleen!
When I watched Ashton’s video I love the way he described “sexy” because intelligence and giving are the sexiest part of a human being. Glad he gave that message out especially to young people.
As a brand, I used my own name. Now I’m not a hot gal in a bikini lol, I’m me! All I can do is give it my best all the time and never give up. As Ashton explains at the end of the video what he learned from Steve Jobs rang true to my heart. He gave the message that all those successful people are no smarter than we are.
As long as we give give give and have genuine empathy to our clients/customers, and include the ingredient of never stop learning, we will do OK!
Donna Merrill recently posted…Summertime Psychic Fun
Donna-You are successful because you do have a strong brand. Your name corresponds to what you are about. I think people have a tendency to think sexy is all about the body but it encompasses much more. After watching the video Ashton intelligence is what is sexy to me.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
I hadn’t seen the video before Arleen. One thing about branding is it takes time to establish it and one thing I have learned is you need to be careful that the positioning is still relevant etc to customers. During my marketing career I repositioned many well known brands so what we can perceive can be different to what our customers perceive and it can change over time.
Susan Oakes recently posted…How To Make Informed Decisions To Attract Customers
Your idea of branding is a good one and that it can change over time. Too often it becomes stagnant. Thanks for your comment
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
I can understand this parallel between a name and who/what it represents. I have been called so many names in my life–I was born Mary which became Katie which became Kate which became MK which is also Mary in formal settings–and I feel like each name corresponds to a different person. I’m not saying I have some split personality disorder or anything like that, but I think who you are really does tie into what you are called or what your company is called.
If you brand is recognizable and memorable you will have no problem getting your message across
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
Hi Arleen, excellent information. Yes it’s true there are many things about you as a person that your brand should represent but only if they are positive. I believe that your brand should evolve and change as you and your business dose while keeping those basic positive ideals that it stands for as well as the uniqueness that sets you apart. I believe that customers and clients really do want to be connected to that type of brand,one that stands for something worthwhile. ;-).
Tony recently posted…Attraction Marketing A Powerful Marketing Strategy That Boosts Your Business
I agree with about positive branding. We are all evolving and if we didn’t we would stagnant so just you must keep yourself and brand up to date.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
I just saw this video this morning, via Upworthy, which I subscribe to. Are you a contributor there? Hmmm…
Funny how I didn’t know his name was Chris.
I think I’m going to write under a pen name. Maybe Ashton. LOL
Lorraine Reguly recently posted…Post Your Links Here To Promote Yourself and Your Blog!
Lorraine-I have never heard of Upworthy. We try to write about current information that will relate to what we do. Ashton Kutcher took his opportunity in front of a crowd of fans and was honest and I think he gained a lot of respect.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
I think so, too. Of course, it was a timely confession, and gained him a lot of media attention, just in time for his new movie!
Lorraine Reguly recently posted…I’ve Been Given Another Award!
Isn’t it true that timing is everything in life.
Arleen recently posted…How To Reboot and Get Back to Business
Arleen — this video has gotten a lot of views. What impressed me and a client who is a media trainer is how he organized and delivered his talk. He told you that he was going to make three points, and he did. He included a “grabber” — that you have to be sexy, but then he explained he meant that you need to be smart. He summarized his points and he used effective gestures. It was a masterful performance and he came across as being very authentic.
Jeannette Paladino recently posted…Is This a New Trend – the Public Firing of Employees?
Jeannette-Very good points. I also felt he was authentic and moved up a notch in my estimation. We all to take a lesson on how to become memorable from this video
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
It was an interesting read. I’m sure there are lots of “secrets” that would be interesting to learn. Thanks for a great read!
sara recently posted…Liven it up with Easy Canvas Prints!
Finding out that Ashton has a brain makes him more interesting. It is important to remember the name of your business is how people identify however the power of a name is your brand.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
Thanks for a thought-provoking post, Arleen – I really enjoyed the video. I do think strong branding’s important – you only have to think of the big names like Coke, Apple and Microsoft to know that. I guess the downside is when a brand goes through a rough patch, in which case the brand can become toxic – like BP after the big oil spill.
I’m pretty happy with the name of my blog, which I think is quite catchy and memorable, but it’s not a big deal for me at the moment, because I’m just starting out. I’m planning to write some fiction books for Kindle, though, and I’ve been wondering whether to use my own name for that or a pseudonym – and, if I do use my own name, whether to use initials rather than my full first name. I get the impression some female authors do that to conceal their sex, on the assumption that some people may be less likely to purchase a book written by a woman – though I don’t know if there’s any truth in that. And if there is, maybe female writers should be more willing to stand up and be counted. I’m not sure – got to give all of that a lot more thought.
Ultimately, your brand will be defined more by the quality of your product rather than your logo. You can have the sexiest name in town, but if your product or service is rubbish, it’s not going to do you much good 😉
Susan Neal recently posted…How Often Should You Publish a Blog Post?
Susan-Yes I agree that big branding may cause problems, but people have short memories and for the most part survive.
I love the name of your blog as it is not only your brand but right away you have some idea what you are all about. I read it is a bad idea to use initials. he reason for this is the people try to associate the initials as being an acronym or abbreviation for words. When people can not determine the meaning of the initials they have nothing to associate with the business and at the end of the day they forget who you are.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
Thanks for that, Arleen – I appreciate your feedback on my blog’s name, and the advice about use of initials, which I hadn’t heard. Sue Neal it is, then, for my books, unless I can come up with a more exciting pen name 🙂
Susan Neal recently posted…How Often Should You Publish a Blog Post?
The blog communities help us to bounce things off of one another which I think is invaluable. Sue Neal sounds good to me.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
Hi Arleen
Great post, I love this topic.
Right now my name is my brand. My husband and I also have a finance type business and that has it’s own name.
We have had several businesses over the years and most have represented what we did. For example our financial planning business was Personal Financial Planners. The difficulty that can arise with choosing a name like this is when you want to expand your services. In this example we were expanding into corporate as well as personal planning.
I have had many debates with people over time on which is the best way.
I love the video and like Donna I love how he defined sexy.
Thanks Arleen
Sue Price recently posted…A Perfect Storm
Sue Price is a catchy name and memorable. I do agree with you that the name can be tricky if you focus on one aspect of the business and it grows. It is so hard to change after you have been established.
Sexy is not just about the body, and I agree with Donna as well.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
Hmm nice write up.
Personally, I don’t really have a thing for choosing the right name (branding) BUT I am fully aware that a good name could go a long way. Take examples such as Mashable, SteemFeed etc. Short but memorable.
I brand my website as my own name, Reginald Chan. It is nothing great and honestly speaking, how many people would actually type in Reginald Chan on Google search right?
However, I believe brands are created not overnight. Nurture it slowly and it will grow. Of course, assuming that you are doing it the right way.
Just my 2 cents 🙂
Reginald recently posted…7 Most Influential Social Media Platforms For Bloggers
Reginald-No brand is created overnight but it is important to keep your brand memorable and in front of your user. That is why the promotional products industry does so well as people like to promote their brand on items that they can giveaway.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
Ashton Kutcher is one of my favorite actors!!! I think that he has a very strong BRAND presence around him.
Christine Derrel recently posted…The Skinny Fiber: Reviews, Ingredients And Results Are Exposed!
He surely does have a big brand presence and I think it is something we all would have to have in our business.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
I accepted your invitation to visit your blog from our recent connection on Linked In, good move!
As a very infrequent movie watcher or celebrity follower and a baby boomer, I only had a very vague idea who Ashton Kutcher was, now I have a better idea thanks to your post.
Branding is important to me and inspires loyalty to a particular brand, only if I or someone I know well has had a favourable experience with the brand.
I have a illogical dislike of some brands because I spent most of my life in countries that were subject to sanctions and boycotts by some American (and other Western) suppliers. That’s why I will never buy an Apple product no matter how good it might be.
With a name as common as mine, I differentiate myself by being an Alchemist and a contrarian thinker.
Thanks for the invitation to visit, I am glad I did and will be back.
Peter Wright recently posted…A morning walk tells me the year is sliding away.
Peter- I agree with that that the proper branding inspires loyalty and that is what we are all trying to achieve. Thank you for stopping by and hope you visit again. We post every Tuesday.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
Hi Arleen,
This is a thought provoking post! For a long time, I thought that my name is my brand. I now believe that a a solid branding strategy is very important. We live in such an information overloaded age that consistency in logo design, marketing message, tagline, etc can help to give ourselves the unique personality.
I love Virgin’s branding. Ideas of fun and innovation associate my thought with this brand. It is a fine example of a successful branding.
Thanks, Arleen, for this very useful post!
Viola Tam – The Business Mum
Viola Tam recently posted…Stay-at-Home Mums – V for Vision
Viola-Branding is important no matter what you do with it but keep it memorable and in front of your recipients.
Arleen recently posted…How To Reboot and Get Back to Business
This is an interesting article and really no surprise since the majority of actors have pseudonyms to make them more memorable and interesting. Since a website address is the brand of an online presence I had to think long and hard about something that would be short and sweet and still reflect something that I believe in and would be sharing about without being dogmatic – thus was born. From there 5 websites have sprouted so that I can more easily separate all the topics I write about on a regular basis. As time went on \”We Are Earthformed\” became the flagship of the bunch. For all my social media accounts @earthformed is my username in the interest of consistency.
Lucero De La Tierra recently posted…100% Natural and Effective Deodorant Review
I love the name you selected it is memorable and different. Being noticed with a brand that relates back to your business is what good branding is all about.
Arleen recently posted…How To Reboot and Get Back to Business
VERY interesting and informative! I take to it all the more as a former Linguistics major and a wordsmith.
Glad you enjoyed our post. Thank you for stopping by
For someone who seems so immature, Ashton really is a smart cookie (or has some brilliant advisers and speech writers). He must be pretty switched on to get to this level though.
I am working on the branding side of things, however there really is a lot to understand. I love the way you make it easier to grasp by giving examples that I can relate to 🙂
Becc recently posted…My experiences with alternative health practices
Becc- I am sure Ashton had someone tell him what to see, but either way it made a great impression. I am happy you are able to relate to some of the ideas of branding.
Arleen recently posted…How To Reboot and Get Back to Business
Hi! Arleen
Its an Amazing and informative post.
Thanks for the amazing post. Would love to read more from you. Keep up the good work
Glad you liked the post. Our new posts go up every Tuesday and I hope to see you back.
Arleen recently posted…How Agility Training Has Helped Me Overcome Business Obstacles
Thanks, Arleen for this very great post! I’m a big fan of Ashton Kutcher 🙂
Karen Duff recently posted…Healthy eating for weight loss with Garcinia Cambogia
Karen- Ashton Kutcher knows how to make an impressions
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