I went to dinner with a few friends on Sunday night. It was a beautiful night and we were able to get outdoor seating! As we were discussing our weekend one of the guys shouted out “Is that football?” He was referring to the game he saw on the television through the restaurant window. Then a couple walked by and ironically they shouted the same question. Sure enough it was a football game. We are still enjoying our summer here in the Northeast so it was surprising to us to see a football game on TV. It was actually the Hall of Fame Game and the start of preseason.

Dolphin Captains Wear Eye Black
I wasn’t particularly interested by Sunday’s game; however, I found myself really intrigued by the player’s non glare eye strips. Also known as eyeblacks, eye smears, eye black strips or eye blackouts. Check out the screen shot of the players above. Two of the team captains are wearing them. One with them under both eyes (#17 Ryan Tannehill) and the other (#96 Paul Soliai) with a large smear under one eye. Ryan Tannehill is wearing them traditionally. I’m not sure about Paul Soliai’s smear. Because of it’s shape, I would think it is warrior paint.
Interesting Eye Black Moments in Sports
Have you noticed that they have become a trend over the past few years? It is interesting to see how something so simple has evolved into a form of expression.

Alfredo Amezaga Smeared Eyeblack
War Paint Eyeblack: Baseball player, Alfredo Amezaga, wears his eye black like war paint as if he were preparing for a battle. It’s appears to be symbolic of strength and confidence. You’ll usually see this done by football players. Wrestlers are creative with their war paint eye black too.

Reggie Bush 619 Eye Strips
Eye Black Messages: Reggie Bush is known as one of the first to display messages in is eyeblack. The numbers 619 are his area code in San Diego.

Beyonce Announces Super Bowl Performance with Eye Blacks
Promotional Eyeblack: In this photo, Beyonce creatively announced that she was going to perform at the 2013 Super Bowl Halftime Show by wearing customized eyeblacks with the Super Bowl date.
Wow! You can put a logo in an eye black.
As I was watching the game, to my surprise, I noticed that one guy had a logo in his eye blacks. I squinted and looked twice. Then thought, “that’s genius!” Who would have thought of putting a logo there! Why not? It’s such a great idea like the examples below.

Bethanie Mattek and Monica Abbott Logo Eye Black Stickers
Athlete Signature Eye Strips: Several athletes, such as tennis player Bethanie Mattek-Sands and softball player Monica Abbot, have their own branded eye black stickers with their personal or team logo.

St Jude Logo Eye Stickers
Awareness Eye Black Strips: The St. Jude Game Day Give Back fundraiser encouraged friends to host charitable football parties to help St. Jude raise funds and save kids’ lives. This cute little girl is showing her support with eye black stickers that have the St. Jude logo on it.

49er Fans Wear Logo Non Glare Eye Strips
Look To Your Surroundings For Different Branding Opportunities
I’ve come to learn that non-glare eye strips are being used everywhere. What makes them so interesting is that it’s such an unusual way to promote. It has become another opportunity to brand, motivate, show team spirit or express yourself. We now see logo eyeblacks used at tradeshows, in parades, at concerts and for fundraising events. They are used in several sports, not just football. They are used in baseball, softball, lacrosse, soccer, car racing and tennis too. Eye blackouts are fun team spirit promotions. You can sport eyeblacks with your team logo or customize your own.
Babe Ruth was one of the first to sport eye black in the 1930’s. He rubbed grease under his eyes to help reduce sun glare. It hasn’t definitively been proven to work at reducing glare but look at the trend and promotional opportunity that it has become.
Traditionally created with black grease made of beeswax, paraffin and carbon but now offered as fully imprinted peel-n-stick logo stickers. This is a great example of how you can take what is available in your surroundings and turn it into a brand opportunity.
Wether it’s with eye black strips or not, there are ways to promote all around us. So, dare to be different!
What are your thoughts on eye blacks and how they are used to display messages and used for branding?
Do you believe in creating a new form of advertising? What ideas would have to use eye black for your business? Have you ever offered something different?
Is it likely I’m one of the few people who either doesn’t watch football (unless it’s the SuperBowl) or notice this – eye black? Now that I notice it, well, forgetting the unattractiveness of it, it just might be good marketing.
Patricia Weber recently posted…Tools To Manage Your Plain Text Lists
Eye black is not part of my makeup routine, but I have always wondered why sports figures wore the grease under the eye. But not they are being used for marketing like washable tattoos.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
Patricia, I’m in the same boat regarding football except I don’t even watch the SuperBowl (not even for the commercials).
New forms of advertising work great if they catch someone’s eye.
Cassi recently posted…I Tai Cheng’d It Up & Lost
That is what is all about, is doing something that is going to catch someone’s eye when doing an advertising campaign
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
Arleen that cannot be an accident: title of post includes, “Right Under Your Eyes,” and ensuing comments, “Catch someone’s eye.” teehee
Patricia Weber recently posted…Tools To Manage Your Plain Text Lists
I was trying to be clever with my heading.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
Excellent Cassi! Now when those football fan friends I have say, “Everyone else is watching this game,” I can reply, “Oh yeah, Cassi isn’t.” LOL
Patricia Weber recently posted…Tools To Manage Your Plain Text Lists
We have “tattooed” our logo on little kids and grown ups when we have community events. It’s nothing more than face paint, but it’s fun and lasts through the whole day.
Debra Yearwood recently posted…Tips For Planning A Media Event – Part Two, Getting It Done
It is about trying something that is different. I would have never thought of using my logo to wear under my eyes.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
Interesting post, Arleen! I have never even noticed the eye blacks before… they were just black stripes for me, until now. I like the CA “Dare to be different” – but a question comes to mind – how effective is this, really? Yes, your logo is there, yes, people most probably see it (because it’s different) but what’s the message you send out when placing your logo under someone eye?
I can see how it is very good promotional tactic for fund raising events or as Debra said – community events where children play role in the whole fun. But using it as part of a business marketing campaign and/or strategy? It IS different and interesting indeed – just would love t hear more about hands-on experiments and insights about its effectiveness 😀
thanks for the great post, Arleen, good food for thought 😉
Diana recently posted…Freelance Pricing Guide for Fixed Price Jobs
We are not pushing the eye black, but felt it was a unique and different concept for advertising your brand. The message that you would be sending out would be your logo. People would wear them because they are cool and you have a walking billboard. The one thing we hear all the time from our customers, we want something that is different to hand out at our trade show. This is a new product so I am not sure how effective it will be under more people buy this item.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
Great article, and great notice! I really like the idea of object ‘bombing’ at the moment as an eye-catching visual promotion. I really like finding out these alternative routes to advertising.
There are so many unique and fun ways to advertise, we just have to be creative.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
We are not necessarily pushing the eye black, but thought it was a different concept for marketing your brand. Sometimes the simple things work well.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
Hey, Arleen! thanks for your follow up reply. I think i wasn’t clear – sorry about that!
You place the logo under someone’s eye but the message you want to convey cannot be the logo itself, it’s just means to something else. Or do you mean it is a brand awareness tactic in your opinion?
You know, the logo is just part of the brand, it’s not the brand promise… so i was thinking in that direction when i asked “what’s the message you want to send out” – do you support sports, or certain event, or fund raising, or just show the general public the wearer of your logo is your favorite, or else… how does this work 😀 as i certainly just see a logo under an eye and am more confused than impressed by the brand… just thinking out loud.
as for the effectiveness – yes, i didn’t expect you to tell me something about the effectiveness of this tactic since you said you just found out about it. What i was saying is that i would love to hear a follow up post from you about it – if you decide to test it hands-on 😉
Diana recently posted…Freelance Pricing Guide for Fixed Price Jobs
I feel it is a just another way to promote your company through brand awareness. I see the eye black just like any other promotional product where you are trying to advertise your company. You could put your logo on one strip and a message on the other. Example if you get a tote bag as a giveaway, all you put on the bag is your logo. You are not making any promises, but are advertising your name. It will be interesting to see if these take off. I will let you know how it goes. It usually takes a while for anything new to catch on.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
I remember when I was younger I felt so tough with eye blacks during softball games. In fact, they have become so common I have forgotten about how unusual it most have been for people to see them for the first time. Instead, they are so widely used, that nobody really stops to think about the fact somebody has covered their face in black smear. Adding your logo or team name to the eye blacks is definitely an awesome way to advertise.
Mary Slagel recently posted…The Liebster Award
Can’t say I have ever worn eye black but I would take note if I saw someone walking around with the strips with their logo under their eyes. I love when there is something that is different. We offer so many marketing items we like to see a product that will get our customers noticed, it can be this one or anything that is unusual.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
Personally hate football (European style) and never watch it despite the fact that my nephew is a goalkeeper in a team that last weekend won the gold medal in a tournament for boys.
Arleen, I would love to see you walk around with Garrett’s logo under your eyes. Please take a picture of it and send to me:-)
I love football and can’t wait for the fall. It is just entertaining. When I order the eye strips I will take a picture for you.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
Many different sport athletes use eye black and I had a friend comment on why they wear it. I will have to forward this post to her. I think this is a great branding idea because of the exposure it brings. 🙂
Susan Cooper recently posted…How I Draw On My iPad-Part 7
The bottom line it is about advertising and gaining more exposure. I appreciate your thoughts as you are right on about the strategy.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
Sometimes adding a little creativity works, although I am not sure anyone would see the logos. It makes sense to see what can be added rather than always trying to do something new.The one thing about the eye strips is they probably hides the bags under the eyes which some of us would like.
Susan Oakes recently posted…Selecting Marketing Tactics In A Hot Market
I love the idea of using them to cover up the bags under the eyes. Now that is thinking outside of the box. Sometimes reinventing something that is old and making it new does work. One company took sticky notes and made a sticky book. These really sell.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
As a father of an NCAA Lacrosse player who uses the eye black stickers and silver sharpie to taunt his opponents with statements like “ALL” “DAY”, “YOU” “FUNNY”, and “MY” “WORLD” the adaptation to team and brand logos seems a natural fit.
Kire Sdyor recently posted…Born to Stub
It is an interesting concept. The inventor is making a lot of money off the idea.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
I can see how using eye blacks to display a logo is comparable to local businesses having their logos on the jerseys of the Little League teams they advertise, but I think brands would want to be very careful about where they want their logo showing up. I’m probably being an Old Fogey (no, I’m definitely being an OLD fogey), but at a professional conference, I would be turned off if a law firm at a legal conference, for example, had its lawyers walking around with eye blacks with their firm’s name. But, would Nike benefit from having it’s logo on eye blacks worn by NFL stars — probably. BTW, I do watch American football, but I’m usually only especially interested if my hometown team is playing (the Philadelphia Eagles) — lately, a less than pleasant experience. My husband and I have a mantra, “Never change your plans for a football game!”
Suzanne Fluhr (Just One Boomer) recently posted…Active, Adventurous and Able
Hi Suzanne,
I guess we live in the same area as I watch the Philadelphia Eagles as well. I am not saying that the eye black is for every business. In fact I am not pushing eye black at all. I was showing how this company came up with a different idea to promote their brand. There are many great items that we sell to lawyers. One of the more popular ones are the stress ball gavel.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
Hi Arleen. Very interesting reading as usual. I really like how you put a branding method literally under the eyes. Although I’m familiar with the eye black used by athletes in different sports I never really noticed the ad value. It’s a great talent to be observant enough to be able to notice even the smallest of things around us. Then apply them to promote or brand a business. You sure have opened my eyes and I will sure be looking for more fun, unusual and innovative methods of getting folk to notice mine. 😉
Many items can apply to any business to promote your brand, just by putting your logo on the product. An example, when someone is looking for a construction gift, they primarily think it needs to have a construction theme. You could put your logo on a sports bottle with your construction company logo and you have just advertised who you are. Just need to keep an open mind. Thanks for your comment.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
It’s interesting that you had mentioned the black strip under Babe Ruth’s eye. I used to play baseball in little league and finished off in high school. I’ve never used the black strip before under the eyes and I’ve always heard that it does reduce the glare but didn’t know who started it. I had no idea that Babe Ruth was the one that started it.
I remember a hip hop group called TLC and Left Eye who is one of the rappers wore a strip under her eye and it was a bandaid. Pretty cool and stylish back then.
I really enjoyed the article, now when I watch sports, I’m going to look at the black strip in a different light, having read this article. Thanks Arleen!
Nate Leung recently posted…MLM Blog: Elite Marketing Pro Review – Should You Dive In and Why?
It is funny that we don’t know why things are they way they are in later in life. That is what advertising is about, to make it memorable.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
Arleen — those patches began because they were supposed to deflect the glare. I wonder if they actually worked. Now they seem to be more for advertising the player or a sponsor.
Jeannette Paladino recently posted…The Morphing of Journalism and PR Professionals into Content Marketers
Jeanette-They advertise it works, but I think they also bring attention to the person who is wearing them.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
Hi Arleen
In Australia our football is different from yours. We actually have 3 different types played here which is sort of weird given our small popularization.
I have never heard of or seen the eye strips here either, although I never go to football so maybe that is why I have not seen it 🙂
It makes sense though and I see the marketing logic.
A great post and I learned something I did not know.
Thanks Arleen
Sue Price recently posted…The Law of Attraction – Fact or Fiction?
Sue-There are so many unique advertising items, this is just a new one. Football in the US is a big sport. When the fall comes people are glued to their TV sets to watch their favorite team and hope they make it to the Super Bowl.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
I’ve seen these, and I love the idea! Seems to get a lot of attention!
Kristen from The Road to Domestication
Kristen recently posted…Van’s Natural Foods Review & GIVEAWAY!
Yes, you can’t miss them. They are great. I love that sports players and fans can wear them. Thank you for your comment.
Arleen/Susan recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
Hi Arleen,
Well, this is a new one on me – I don’t think these have made it across the Atlantic yet, but I’m sure they will in time (or maybe I just haven’t spotted them yet – I’m often behind the curve).
Personally, I think they look awful – but that’s the view of a dinosaur for you. They’re certainly very ‘visible’, so I can appreciate they may be an effective way of getting your product seen. I wouldn’t want my own face to be used as a bill-board, though 😉
Sue Neal recently posted…A Google Chrome Irritation Resolved!
Sue-That is the whole idea, it is new. I don’t disagree that is is not something I would wear under my eyes, but there those who will. Have a good weekend
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
It’s so true that we are only limited by our imaginations when it comes to dreaming up ways to promote ourselves and to reach audiences. At the PNWA conference, one of the presenters told a story about a guy who wrote a book titled something along the lines of how to fail at life or business. Typical avenues of reaching audiences didn’t work, so the author started to give readings of his books at bars. Sales skyrocketed from their. He had found his audience by promoting his work in the least likely of places. Go figure. The bar crowd felt drawn to the advice in his book.
Jeri recently posted…Author Interview: Diantha Jones
Jeri-That is exactly what we were trying to put across, that you are only limited by your imaginations and the ideas are endless
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
We haven’t had normal television for a few years now, so no major sports to watch. I never would have thought to put a promo in eye black like this. Now it gives me ideas for promos for face camo. Or branding for face masks for paintball and the like.
Jon Jefferson recently posted…Toucan Rescue
Jon-As long as our posts gets you thinking of different adverting methods then it was worth the read.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
Hi Arleen,
What an interesting read on this Saturday morning! This is a great branding idea. Very creative!
Rather than focusing on the branding side, I’d like to talk about DARE TO BE DIFFERENT. For any innovation or outrageous dream, it takes courage for someone to stand firm and continue the success journey. The tracking and tweaking are important in marketing. Dare to be creative and different. Repeat something that works!
With appreciation, Arleen. Thanks!
Viola Tam – The Business Mum
Viola Tam recently posted…Stay-at-Home Mums – T for Team Building
Viola-I am glad you enjoyed our post. Dare to be different is what the article was about. Come up with something that will make you stand out.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
Hi Arleen,
Interesting! I’ve never been to or watch American football matches. But here we have a craze for Cricket. Only once I’ve seen a West Indian cricketer wearing eye blacks and I had no idea what for.
Initially, I thought it’s some kind of a style. Never knew it’s purpose until now and I could hardly read what’s written in there unless I zoom the screen though.
Actually there are many different ways to be creative and be different from the competition. I don’t think eye black can be very effective everywhere, but again we can be creative about where to use as it draws attention at first sight.
Mayura recently posted…How to Add a Custom Navigation Menu in Blogger
As I have pointed out I am not selling the eye black, but the fact if is different from maybe as you said your competition. If you went to a trade show and saw the people behind the booth wearing the eye black with their logo, you might want to stop by and see what they are selling. It is attention drawing.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
What a great idea! I think it would be such a fun way to brand yourself or business. What really resonates with me is that from sitting in a restaurant and noticing a football game, a marketing technique came up in your mind.
That stuff happens to me all the time. That marketing mindset just becomes so much a part of us that we can see something like this and turn it into a “brand” Awesome!
I wonder what I would look like if I did that he he! When it gets down to it, the more unique we can get, the better branding!
Thanks, I really enjoyed this post.
donna merrill recently posted…Making Your Business Bloom
You have head the expression “Stand out from the Crowd”. Well that is what the post was all about. You are right, just look around you and there are ideas everywhere. I am glad you enjoyed the post.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
Well, I think just being a 72-year-old blogger brands me as being someone different. i think being honest about my life brings a different perspective to blogville. I don’t think I will don the black eye strips. Maybe that’s going too far. But announcing to the world that I’m 72 is probably enough getting out there.
Sandra Sallin recently posted…MIRROR, MIRROR
Everyone has a brand. I don’t think that at 72 you are as different as you think.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
Branded eye black stickers are new to me Arleen. (My idea of watching the Super Bowl is coming out in time to watch the commercials and then retreating back to my office. I think it’s a great idea though. Why not? It’s another chance to promote your brand. Thanks for sharing!
Sherryl Perry recently posted…Friday Finds: Pinterest, Amazon Collections, Twitter Vine and Instagram
If nothing else it got your attention and that is what branding is all about. Thanks for stopping by.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
Hi Arleen ,
I am first time visitor over here and found some really fantastic stuff here..
You know what your readers want from you.
Great post and all the best..:)
Pritam recently posted…Top 10 Reasons Why A Blog Is NOT Read
Hi Pritam-Now that you have found my blog site, I hope you will come back often. I post once a week. We try to keep our information interesting as it relates to the advertising business.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
I’ve seen a few co-workers wearing eye blacks at baseball tailgating parties. When they have the logo added, it gets them more in the spirit of the game and shows everyone who they’re rooting for!
Interesting how a little strip can get you in the mood for rooting for a game. It would be great to root for your brand.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
I did not know where you were going with this. Little did I know that you were going to totally major on those black stripes! I would say that IS a strange idea for branding. Blessings, Amy
Amy Hagerup recently posted…Four Lessons for Overcoming Jealousy When Comparing Yourself to Others in Your Industry
Amy-It is not what I would do to brand, but the whole idea is that is was different and caught attention.
Arleen recently posted…A Branding Opportunity Right Under Your Eyes. Dare To Be Different.
Hahaha, that was an interesting piece. I still remember the Turkish goalkeeper who was in post for the 2002 World Cup. I was just 11 by then but that make beneath those eyes made him different!
Emmanuel recently posted…What can Make and Unmake you as a Blogger!
That is a good example of making an impression.
Arleen recently posted…How We Can Learn the Power of a Name from Ashton Kutcher
The Dolphin players caught my attention immediately! I’ve always been a football fan. I have noticed the attention that players receive when they wear unusual eye black. It definitely gets attention of viewers, commentators, and media-in-general. Your point in the post was well-made!
Lisa-Attention getting is what branding is all about. I have to say I had always wondered about the black stuff under eye and I think it is great to come up with an idea that gets your attention.
Arleen recently posted…How To Reboot and Get Back to Business
Amazing – its there anywhere left? You really do need to think outside the box to innovative don’t you
Becc recently posted…Medication free!
Becc- I am sure if we looked hard enough we could find something else. In today’s world you have to think outside of the box or you will not succeed.
Arleen recently posted…How To Reboot and Get Back to Business
Great post Arleen. Never actually thought about this as an avenue for promotions. Not sure I would do it, but then again “dare to be different”. Thanks for sharing this.
Gary Hyman (Social Media Strategy) recently posted…How to PLAN and SCHEDULE a Google Plus Hangout On Air the Easy Way
Gary- It is not something I would do either, but being different makes your company memorable.
Ingenious people- not missing out any opportunity to brand themselves!
But I’ll also appreciate your keen sense of observation- something as subtle as that might have been completely lost on a dud like me! 😛
Not only did you actually SEE the logos..you were smart enough to LEARN from that and create a wonderful post with attractive images out of it. By doing so, you are sharing your message with all not-so-good-learners like me. 😀
Not that I am proud of being stupid- I’m just absent minded, which is why I miss so much of what is going on around me.
Hats off for a wonderful article.
Ambika Choudhary Mahajan recently posted…Importance of Social Media Today- Best Social Media Sites for Promoting Business (INFOGRAPHIC)
Amibika- Branding opportunities are all around us. I would have never thought to use eye black either. Just because of you are not aware of something doesn’t make you stupid. Glad you liked the article.
Arleen recently posted…How Sawaya Found the Building Blocks to Success