The dog days of summer are here. It can be hard to stay productive during this season while co-workers and employees go on vacation, summer hours go into effect or maybe even your business slows down a bit. In this post we will look at ways to stay productive during the dog days of summer.
What are the dog days of summer, anyway?
What thoughts come to mind when you hear the phrase “the dog days of summer”? Warm weather, sunny beaches, pool side barbecues or family road trips? Or maybe you think of it in more of a literal sense like dogs lying around in the heat or playing around like this fun video from America’s Funniest Home Videos (AVF).
![Sidney Hall [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons](
Sidney Hall [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
How to Stay Productive During the Dog Days of Summer
One way to stay productive during the hottest days of summer is to be thankful. Show appreciation to your stakeholders. Stakeholders being those very important clients or customers who keep your business running or employees and vendors that always help you pull a job together. Marketing products can be one way to show that you are grateful. They will build your brand while showing appreciation. Being grateful and finding ways with giveaways to give thanks will keep you motivated to stay productive on even the hottest of days.
We have also found that combining interest can be a great way to maintain productivity. All of those things that you love to do during the dog days of summer can be done all while doing business at the same time. For example, what a better way to gain interest from new clients than to have a company picnic. Create an opportunity to interact with clients in a setting that they will never forget. Don’t forget to use custom drinkware and giveaways to enhance that memorable connection.
Create todo lists. When the beach is calling it’s hard to be focused and productive. Creating to do lists will help you stay on track. Be clear on what needs to be done and when you will have them done by. Make sure to schedule an appropriate amount of time for each tasks. Break your daily goals down into pieces so that you don’t feel overwhelmed.
Maximize your marketing efforts during the dog days of summer and keep your business goals on track by using giveways to show that you are grateful, creating opportunities to connect with clients in fun settings such as company barbecues and working off of to do lists to stay productive.
Staying productive during the dog days of summer can be difficult. What do you do to beat the heat during the dog days of summer? How do you stay productive during summer hours? What fun ways can you interact with clients during the summer?
I think making the ‘ToDo’ list is probably the most helpful way to accomplish things in the summer time. I also think it’s important to realize that there are certain days when the weather affects you to the point where you can’t ‘do’. This should be built into every todo list so that guilt or feelings of ‘need to catch up’ don’t come into play.
Lenie recently posted…Comment on Everyday Herbs: Recipes and Remedies by Lenie
Lenie- It is so happy easy to get side tracked during the summer. I like your idea that not to beat ourselves up where we can’t do things.
Arleen recently posted…Staying Productive During the Dog Days of Summer
I use to do lists all year! Interesting history of the term, though. Funny how things like that stick and morph into modern thinking. I remember going to my dad’s company picnic every year and they were always in August! I don’t recall them using any branded products, but I love that idea! For sure, I think the dog days are getting shorter as schools all seem to start much earlier these days.
Jacqueline Gum recently posted…Revenge… Where’s The Justice?
Jacqui- It is interesting the phrases we come up with. What do you our children think when we say these are the dog days of summer. With school starting earlier they may want the dog days of summer to last longer.
Arleen recently posted…Staying Productive During the Dog Days of Summer
It’s a pretty close tie: dog days of summer, spring fever.
To do lists absolutely are #1 for me to get past my procrastination.
I also find more exercise gets me focused on work. Maybe because it’s such a work out!
But really the older I get, the more I just go with the flow and usually find something that gets my butt in gear.
Thanks Arleen.
Patricia Weber recently posted…Introvert cartoons, a quiz, narcissism, blogging: Blog Roundup 18 #Introvert Inspirer
Patricia- What keeps me going are all my projects. I enjoy the journey, from knitting, dog training and working my business. Nothing really slows me down
Arleen recently posted…Staying Productive During the Dog Days of Summer
I’ve been thinking of doing a giveaway so that is a great suggestion for me. Oh, and I love, love, love that AFV doggie video.
I will say that summer is helping me be productive today. Usually, I wouldn’t be by my computer on a Sunday afternoon. However, it is so hot outside today that I don’t even feel like I can move. So I’m home working. However, if it were 10 degrees cooler, I would be at the beach.
Erica recently posted…A 20 Minute Morning Routine For Weight Loss
Erica-So heat works because the air conditioning will keep you moving. I may think about lowing the heat in house in the winter so I don’t get the winter blues and keep moving
Arleen recently posted…Staying Productive During the Dog Days of Summer
Really interesting about the origin of the “dog days” term. Where I live in the Islands September is actually the hottest month, and to make it even more challenging the trades normally come to a screeching halt so it’s like living in a sauna. But heat aside, August is always a very busy month for me because I’m preparing for the busy fall months and this month I’m in the process of finishing a new book and online course. I’d be lost without my lists!
Marquita Herald recently posted…Is Worry Creating Needless Drama in Your Life?
Marquita- I love some of the quotes we come up with. At least your are using the summer months to its fullest and I wish you the best of luck with your new book. You should do well with an online course.
Arleen recently posted…Staying Productive During the Dog Days of Summer
Great suggestion of combining work with play. In the summer it is a struggle not to think of being outdoors; the park or beach.
To do lists are a simple yet effective method of getting things done. I just love ticking off tasks on my list when they have been completed.
Phoenicia recently posted…Who do you serve; yourself or others?
Phoenicia- I have to admit it does feel good to get a task done and sit back and say I did it. It makes you ready for the next one
Arleen recently posted…Staying Productive During the Dog Days of Summer
To do lists are always important. I like your suggestions to incorporate summer activities into your summer work – company picnics, barbecue client appreciation days, etc. I also think it might be wise to make sure the to do list includes the highest priority items with time left for you to enjoy parts of the summer as well. It may be easier to focus on productive work knowing you will also have some summer down time.
Donna Janke recently posted…Unique Garden Solutions
Donna- It is so easy to get lazy in the summer so it is important to incorporate fun. Your idea of doing the highest priority first so you can enjoy summer is a great reward system.
Arleen recently posted…Staying Productive During the Dog Days of Summer
Good suggestions on how to stay productive during summer, Arleen.
Personally write to list all year round and find they work for me.
Sweden is most likely the worst country in the world when it comes to the dog days of summer. Business is almost closed down from late June to mid August. In most countries it’s just August. Took me time to get used to the long period of time when Sweden is more or less closed for business. The best way for me to handle it is to accept that that’s the way it is and not get stressed.
Catarina recently posted…How Wagner helped Francis Coppola succeed
Catarina- I guess we all have to adjust but closing down business in the summer has to be rough. It is a good time to regroup and get ready for the upcoming months.
Arleen recently posted…Staying Productive During the Dog Days of Summer
Great tips! My kids just started back to school, so now I’m back to being productive again! But even though my productivity takes a serious nose dive during the summer, I try to stay in touch with my social media followers, so they don’t completely forget me. That’s something I can do easily on my phone in between trips, games, and kids activities.
Meredith recently posted…Master Suite Makeover
Meredith- It is so easy not to get your do list done in the summer. But fall will be here before you know it and then you will wonder when you have the time to do anything. Glad to hear that you are not giving up your blog.
Arleen recently posted…Staying Productive During the Dog Days of Summer
I think my idea of what the dog days of summer are had changed as I’ve gotten older. As a kid I just thought of those days at the end of summer, when all the fun was right before school started again. As an adult that term has no positive connotation left for me. Now I just think of it as those blistering hot days at end of summer, filled with drought and wildfires. Hard to keep active once you are outside of the AC. UGH I’m ready for winter.
Susan cooper recently posted…Overnight Crockpot Oatmeal: #Recipe
Hi Susan- It saddens me about all the wildfires on the west coast. I love California. However I have to admit living on the east coast now we are not looking forward to winter after the last one we had, so I will take the hot humid summers for now,
Arleen recently posted…Staying Productive During the Dog Days of Summer
Well, we’re certainly experiencing the dog days of summer in NY. It’s been very hot and humid. I try to stay inside as much as possible for the air conditioning. I’m usually out doing errands or going to the symphony, etc. You know there is nothing wrong with just staying home and enjoying reading with the A/C on!
Jeannette Paladino recently posted…Youâre Never Too Old to Go for the Gold
Jeannette- I hear you, I am in New Jersey. I am not having a problem with the summer because of the air conditioning as well. I live in a treed area and I love seeing as much sun as possible.
Arleen recently posted…Staying Productive During the Dog Days of Summer
Fun blog–as a child, the Dog Days always symbolized the last of time in the pool and the beginning of a new school year, along with picking black berries.
As an adult, I try not to think about autumn soon following these Dog Days because that means another dreary Pittsburgh winter is hot on it’s tail!
Rose M Griffith recently posted…The Problem With Expecting People to Read Our Minds
Rose- I hear you about the end of summer and dreading the winter that lies ahead. Hopefully this winter will not be like last year. The clippers were ridiculous in my area.
Arleen recently posted…Staying Productive During the Dog Days of Summer
I find I get more task completed during the summer months than winter. Living in California, the weather is pretty nice all year round. What affects me more than the heat, (which I love) is the daylight. In the winter it starts getting dark at 4:30 and by 5:00 I’m reading to throw on my P.J.s and hang out. 🙂
Pamela Chollet recently posted…What Everyone Ought To Know About Psychosocial Development
Pamela- Now don’t make me jealous. I am a native from San Francisco and really miss living in California where the weather is wonderful. I agree with you that daylight makes a difference in your outlook. I also hate when we go back to standard time.
Arleen recently posted…Staying Productive During the Dog Days of Summer
Many schools now start-up again in early to mid-August, and that’s a hard adjustment for all involved. There is a sort of deliciousness to the lazy feel of the Dog Days of Summer, but to-do lists can be a huge motivator. I tend to want to go yard work in the morning in the summer which then pushes my daily workload back into the evening.
Jeri recently posted…#Editor Interview: The Break-Up Recipe
Jeri- I think it is hard to get ready to go back to school as summer is a free time. I like to see the sun and for me summer is very motivating.
Arleen recently posted…Staying Productive During the Dog Days of Summer
Hello Arleen, Great tips!
So Sorry, I called you Catarina, It must be the pain killers kicking in.Teehee
Recovering at home from my recent stay in hospital.
Please delete the previous comment.
I use to do lists all year round unless I will be all over place LOL
Thanks for sharing, learnt something from this post.
SafariOnTheBlog recently posted…Foodie Heaven at Borough Market London
Safari- Sorry to hear you were in the hospital. I have to do lists everywhere. Now the secret is to find where I put them.
Arleen recently posted…Staying Productive During the Dog Days of Summer
As for me, it is the summer I have to get things done, especially outside. Our wingers come early, are hard, and stay late. If I do not get something done by Oct 1, it is not done that year.
I do have an issue with heat, so basically to accomplish things outside; I have to sacrifice other items. During the summer I hardly work out, this is because my energy level goes down so much.
Thanks for sharing all these wonderful tips.
William- I didn’t realize that October 1st got so cold. The plus side of summer is it stays lighter longer due to Daylight savings time so we do have more time outside than normal. I just love the light which energizes me.
Arleen recently posted…Staying Productive During the Dog Days of Summer
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Arleen recently posted…Staying Productive During the Dog Days of Summer