Super Bowl Advertising: You Don’t Need a Commercial Just Some Creativity

Young adults watching football
We did it. We braved the holidays and sailed into the New Year. Now our reward is just around the corner. What reward you ask? Well none other than the Super bowl of course. I wait all year to see the best commercials advertisers have to offer. Of course I watch the game, but as a marketer I look forward to the commercials too. With an estimated 111 million viewers watching the game, The Super Bowl is an event for football fans but for business alike. This is the only time of year where businesses obtain this extensive amount of viewership. Do not underestimate the power of Super Bowl Sunday! With Super Bowl Sunday comes the power to draw in viewers, capture their undivided attention and make consumers actually sit up just to watch commercials. I have been at Super Bowl parties where the room is just as quiet for commercials as it is when the game is on.

The Super Bowl can be summed up into three categories, the game, the half-time show and the commercials. It is from the game that this day gets its origins, let’s face it, we all want to know who is going to Disney World, but we also want to see what Doritos or Coke and Pepsi will come up with this year. The first Super Bowl was in 1967 but there were no note worthy commercials until the 1970’s. In 1967 a 30 second commercial spot cost $42,000 this year a commercial spot cost 3.7 to 3.8 million dollars but with the opportunity to sell your product to the largest television audience of the year companies see this day as a marketer’s dream.

So now the question becomes, how your business can capitalize on Super Bowl Advertising. The cost for one commercial slot might be over budget for your company, however, here are a few ideas to put your business in the game too. Continue reading

‘Ship My Pants’ How far can you push humor in your marketing campaign?

Just the other day my 12 year old niece said to me, “Did you see the ‘ship my pants’ video?” “What?!” I said. I thought she said something inappropriate as she giggled her little heart out. Kmart’s ‘Ship My Pants’ commercial has instantly gone viral and hasn’t event hit the airways yet. The commercial promotes free shipping on items that are out of stock in stores.

Is the video hilarious? I say, yes. Is it appropriate? That depends on who you ask. Some people think that it is childish and some have gone as far to say that it is vulgar. But here’s the good thing, people are talking about it. When was the last time you can remember Kmart making such a memorable impact. Wether you think that it is funny or not you will remember that if you don’t find it in the store, Kmart will ship it to you for free.

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